Luís Vieira and humor in Portuguese football

Luís Vieira e o humor no futebol português

Are there any limits to humor? With comedian Luís Vieira, we learn that life is better lived laughing than fighting against the inevitable, death. We should use every situation that happens to us throughout our lives to laugh, and although we need to cry sometimes, it takes a lot of mental strength to make a joke when we are feeling down.

Luís Vieira is a comedian from Guimarães known for addressing current and controversial topics with insightful humor. He is currently the host of the official podcast of Vitória Sport Club, Dezanove22, where he interviews players and uses his humor to create a relaxed atmosphere, while also showing his side as a Vitória Sport Club supporter. He participated in Levanta-te e Ri, PI100Pé, and various shows, having performed with comedians such as Fernando Rocha, Alexandre Santos, and Eduardo Madeira. The comedian also expresses his desire to perform with Bruno Nogueira.

With a career marked by perseverance and a passion for humor, Luís continues to leave his mark on Portuguese comedy, showing his ability to turn everyday moments into laughs.

Inspired by Legends with Luís Vieira: Humor in Portuguese football

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Miguel: If you believe in hugs, if you are proud of where you come from and if you think that a team is much more than colors, then this podcast is for you. My name is Miguel Soares, I am the founder of BYMS and I created this podcast Inspired by Legends to find and celebrate today's legends.

My guest today is Luís Vieira , a comedian from Guimarães and also a Victorian, who is a true inspiration for me and many other people. Luís, are you okay?

Luís: Miguel, how are you? First of all, I feel like you exaggerated, you started talking about legends and then you introduced me.

Miguel: No, for God's sake, for me you are a legend and an inspiration.

Luís: I am very grateful to you and I congratulate you, because we have already been here talking a little. I already knew you, I already knew the brand and I tell you now, more publicly, without being off the record, that I congratulate you too.

Thank you for the invitation and also congratulate you on the brand, because it's very important for people your age.

Because I'm already old, I'm already 70 years old, but people your age have their heads on straight and so does your perseverance, which is very important. And look, you're giving him a hard time, which is what matters.

Miguel: I'm very happy, I'm very happy to hear that.

Luís: And it’s a source of pride too.

Miguel: People that I listen to and that I follow and that I have as an example, because it is difficult. I know that it is also difficult to sometimes expose ourselves to our personal lives and everything, and we hear comments that are sometimes not the best, and I know that this is not easy.

And a person like you, who has already achieved things that are truly impressive to me. It is indeed an honor to have you here.

Luís: Thank you very much.

Miguel: And for those who don't know yet, Luís uses humor on social media to talk about various topics, some of them controversial, without taboos. He has participated in Levanta-te e Ri, in PI100Pé, and is currently the presenter of the official podcast of Vitória Sport Club and not Vitória de Guimarães.

Luís: Exactly.

Miguel: Dezanove22 Podcast and has several shows spread across the country. What am I going to ask you?

The first thing, who, following the conversation we had, was the person who has inspired you the most to date? It doesn't need to be anyone famous, who do you think that person was, the ultimate example?

Luís: Wow, great example, there you go, I like it, this is going to sound politically correct, be careful, but I always say this and I always talk about it. Along the way, I always say, he knows, I'm talking about Fernando Rocha , he's still my boss, right? But I'm at his agency. But why am I talking about him?

Oops, because I always say, and people know, oops, people know that they know me, that I'm not the biggest fan of that kind of humor and, now, jokes for me, forget it, man, oops, no one takes that away from him , he forgets.

Man, but if I, I don't know, if I were to name you, like, guys that I still like, the type of humor or that are more similar to mine, I don't know, I'll go for Bruno Nogueira , I like that one better type of humor. Yes.

Now, in terms of work, inspiration, oops, I have to include Fernando Rocha because it's not easy. That, man, me, me, this speech is inevitable because it is reality.

You, if you're in the north and if you really want to be here and make your way and be successful, man, it's more complicated.

And it's thanks to people like Fernando Rocha and others, attention, and others, that people like me are able to get out there and, maybe, even go to Levanta-te e Ri or go to other types of programs or PI100Pé, for example , it was something, oops, that he created and that gives space to many comedians to do what they like most, with the greatest of freedoms, it is also important.

Miguel: Oops, that's, that's, that's incredible. So, you, Fernando Rocha, what characteristics of him do you think make him so special to you and inspire him?

Luís: It's work, man's work is, it's surreal. He, imagine, he's doing a hundred, imagine, man, I speak for myself, imagine, I'm doing a hundred, it's good. One hundred is already good. Not him, he's making a hundred, but he already wants two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and five hundred, you know?

It is this mentality that he gives to us, the people who are giving this space here. The first steps, the first steps, which is almost it, compared to his career, are really just the first steps.

And that's what motivates us, man, and that's how he motivates us, with this strength that he is, that takes a lot of work, a lot of work.

Miguel: Exactly, I also love it, I love it, I love watching it and, man, and I tell my family some jokes too, man, yeah, it's also one of the references on a national level, without a doubt. Do you think he was the one who introduced you to humor? And because of him did you start to have this little passion for humor, on a pet level?

Luís: Yes, on a pet level, man, I give this example, or talk about him in this case, I don't know if you know Tom Cavalcante , oops, almost nobody does.

Miguel: I don't know.

Luís: Only the oldest generation, which has been there for 75 years. No, but there was a Brazilian program, Sai de Baixo , which was shown here a lot, it was shown in Portugal, basically. And man, I loved it, I loved Tom Cavalcante, who was, he played a character who was Ribamar.

So I loved that, I don't know, he imitated people and joked and then that was, imagine, basically to explain the concept, it was a more comical piece of theater live, there was an audience, I mean, it wasn't live, it was live, that's how it is, I said it wrong. But I loved it, I loved it and I feel like it was a little bit when Tom Cavalcante started to fight for the animal a little bit.

Then, of course, I started to have other references, he started to appear in Volante and Thierry, then Fernando Rocha came,Hugo Sousa came , Ricardo Araújo Pereira came , a lot of people came who later also started to be an influence on me, but that Maybe the little creature woke up there, I think it was Tom Cavalcante.

Miguel: It was funny, I wasn't expecting anything, I wasn't expecting your answer at all. Because I believe that everyone has a funny side, but obviously few people can make that side funny.

Luís: More professional.

Miguel: More professional, professionally. Yes. And when did you feel that? When did you feel like that funny side of you, that humor, you wanted to make a career out of it, you wanted to make it something more serious and not be funny to your friends, etc.?

Luís: That was kind of natural, it was kind of like, man, I already told this story and it's funny because when I started doing this kind of thing, man, I don't know. The stand-up that wasn't pure stand-up, because I started going to the lists of student associations, I started, and it's funny that the first invitation I received was from one, who is now one of my greatest friends, the Paul.

He, man, I don't know what, we're talking here and your name was mentioned, I went, we went, people said my name, bro, that's cool. And at the time he even said, oh, man, and I found it, and I went. I didn't know what it was all about. And at the time, I even thought I was exaggerating, man, I don't know, 50 euros.

And, man, it's closed, on top of that, at the time there were agencies and so on, which sponsored all these things. And so it was, I went and stuff, I don't know what. Man, and I started to like that, oh, you were, it's cool, bro, making people laugh like that, like, oh, man, of course it wasn't, it's not pure stand-up, oh, man. Because you're talking and there's, like, a guy playing the violin in the neutralist, and he's going to make a noise, and people are sending candy to your forehead, and I don't know what, man, but look.

But then also, in that character, it gave me, and I believe this, it also gave me other mechanisms to later start reaching auditoriums and performing more seriously, so to speak.

Miguel: Yes, yes, he gave you a stalacazita already, when you were younger. Oh, see, see. There is talk that... One of your idols in comedy is Fernando Rocha, you participated in Levanta-te e Ri, and in PI100Pé, where you performed alongside iconic names in national comedy.

Luis: Yes.

Miguel: How was that experience?

Luís: Oops, it's one thing... There you are, sometimes, during the day, maybe I'm not even very aware of what's happening to me, but sometimes, then suddenly, imagine, for example, in the case from PI100Pé, for example, I'll explain what that feeling is.

Miguel: Of course, of course.

Luís: For example, in the case of PI100Pé... PI100Pé, there on Via Rápida, had, here in Guimarães, there was a giant poster, with Rocha, and me, Dagu , and Fernando Madeira . Man, I went there, like, I fire... Man, a guy gets like that...

Miguel: A bit shaken.

Luís: I don't know, it kind of feels a little shaken, like, after all, I'm there, I don't know. Man, then the day of the performance arrives, you're there, tense, tense, very nervous, very... I tell myself, pay attention, very nervous, man, the weight of responsibility, then, I'm on the verge of them, and now, like, A guy has to have joked and stuff, and he said...

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: Oops, but it's a really funny thing because then there it is, you're at home, normal, and, I don't know, it's just some donkey at home, and then, suddenly, you're there on those stages, oops, and it's cool. And it's good to feel important, isn't it?

Miguel: Exactly, because you are there with hundreds of people who are expecting you, your work, who are there expecting to laugh, right? And sometimes, it's not always easy to make someone laugh.

Luís: It's very difficult.

Miguel: Because someone can have a bad day, and it's complicated.

Luis: Yes.

Miguel: What I wanted to ask you too... Yes, it was... You've worked with a lot of names, but do you have any that you'd like to work with that you haven't worked with yet?

Luís: Man, I like it, I like it a lot, man, I think it's a somewhat universal name in comedy, which is Bruno Nogueira.

Man, I think... Then, imagine, it's also a name that you know that, from the moment you start working with it, man, maybe you've also achieved a bit in life, man.

Miguel: Without a doubt, without a doubt.

Luís: That's the same as, oh, I don't know, now, suddenly, you start playing, I don't know, with Ronaldo . I mean, Ronaldo, he's now... He's in Saudi, but that's it, okay, you may have won in life on a monetary level.

Miguel: But even so, Ronaldo was…

Luís: That's it, that's it, that's it. You already knew that you won in life.

Miguel: Just hug him.

Luís: No, but this is to say that really, oops, when you start to have these names, working with you is already something, oops, that... In my case, I have ambitions, Bruno Nogueira, I don't know, I really like Pedro Teixeira da Mota too, despite being, maybe, sometimes, like, not so much about television. Maybe it's more for the younger generation, I don't know, I say. But, maybe, those names, like that, man, that made me think, no, wait a minute, this... I'm not saying, mind you, that the names I worked on, that...

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: I'm already very happy, oops, but, of course, it would be...

Miguel: Of course you have your ambitions and you have people with whom you identify too.

Luis: Yes, yes.

Miguel: That was incredible. I really like Bruno Nogueira too and even Pedro Teixeira da Mota too. I follow his work, I also think it's really good. In my opinion, the one I like most, the one I identify with the most, even in terms of humor, is Carlos Coutinho de Vilhena .

Luís: Also, also, yes, yes,.

Miguel: Because I think… In terms of humor it’s good, but also then, in terms of ideas…

Luís: Yes, about producing series and things that he, man, that he remembers, how does the guy... It seems so easy, fire this idea, I didn't want to think about it, did I?

Miguel: That's it! Very cool..

Luís: Maybe you even thought about this, but there he is...

Miguel: Executed.

Luís: Executed.

Miguel: Exactly. That's it, and I happen to like him a lot too.

Luís: It’s very good, yes sir.

Miguel: What was the... You told me that you are, like, very nervous beforehand and with that weight of responsibility.

Luis: Yes

Miguel: When you acted for the first time, how did... How did you feel before acting, before going on stage?

Luís: Look, the first time, which was what I said to a list, in this case, of what is now my friend, I remember that I was very nervous, but I don't think it compares to my nervousness when it was my first time, that is, it was my first performance alone. It was in 2018, that is, I went to four, five cities, ended up in Guimarães, in São Mamede, but the first city was Fafe.

Man, I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life, I think it was really the maximum exponent of my nervousness, which was, man, a surreal thing, because I had never been alone. It was the first time, what's more, I didn't want to think about it too much, but then I thought it was.

I hadn't tested the text anywhere, that is, I went with a text that, hey, look, whatever God wants, you can never do that. And, on top of that, being there for an hour with that text, man, is a bit risky. There are comedians who do this, pay attention…

Miguel: But…

Luís: They are comedians who are already at a much higher level than I was and where I am. Yes, and they can even be comfortable in terms of pressure, as I also have more experience, and this time of yours was the first, obviously, as I was always better, it was always better to test a little.

Luís: It would work.

Miguel: But it went well, then?

Luís: Yes, it ran. It went well, people liked it and loved it, but then, of course, the difference was noticed, for example, who went to see me at Fafe, which was the first and then went to see me at the last one, which was in Guimarães. You clearly noticed a difference, there it is, which is the difference when you test the text and when you are already comfortable with the text. But it was really what I remember, and it was definitely... The performance in which I was most nervous, I actually fainted.

Miguel: Was it?

Luis: Yes.

Miguel: And now how is it that, before going on stage, you still feel that nervousness?

Luís: I’m sorry.

Miguel: Yeah? Now smaller, obviously.

A little smaller and a little more controlled, but I always feel that pressure from, or from, I don't know, from someone who might see it and might not like it and might do this and might do that. Or, I don't know, like, it's going to go wrong, or I'll forget the text, or because someone had the cheat sheets and so on, but I don't know. Or something will happen, I always think the worst. I always think about the worst, yes.

Miguel: And how do you deal with this pressure? Do you have any rituals beforehand, in the dressing room or...

Luís: The ritual is to go to the bathroom. Just go to the bathroom and unload. This is my ritual.

Miguel: I'm like that too.

Luís: I would like to be able to say or romanticize the idea a little here.

Miguel: Just a little, yes.

Luís: But no.

Miguel: I say this because I normally play football and when I take to the field it's a bit of ritual and superstition.

Luis: Yes.

Miguel: Entering, I always try to enter with the right foot on the field.

Luís: Ok. I happen to…

Miguel: Whether it works or not, I don't know.

Luís: I, by the way, look, I'm very honest with you, I don't even know how I get in, nor do I have any rituals. Sometimes it really is... I'm so nervous, you know, in that initial period. Then, at the end, or in the middle, a person starts to enjoy it and starts to really... No, wait, what is this... After all, we are right up here on the stage.

Miguel: We are already well underway.

Luís: But first, I think about a thousand and one things. Why am I here? Why am I now and have to make these people laugh? I was also at home. I had my quiet job, maybe from 9am to 10pm or from 9am to 7pm, or whatever. Oh man, I was doing so well and now I'm here.

Miguel: That's it, but then, well, a person leaves our world and thinks, man, it's rewarding.

Luís: Then you know, then, no, after all this is cool. I don't want to give up.

Miguel: Exactly, I want to continue, I want to continue. And it's like we were talking about too, that after receiving those messages of support from people is super rewarding.

Luís: It’s very good.

Miguel: Did you give me some examples? I also don't know if you want to share any of these examples here.

Luís: I can share and even give a huge hug to the people who... who follow my work because it seems cliché and sounds cliché but it's not the reality is that if it's not those people, the guy is there talking forward to the mirror. But they are people, and I am often more sensitive. Of course, I'm not saying that people in Portugal don't want to be people, no, I'm not saying that.

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: I just want to say that the people who are further away, who are there in those moments alone and send messages, look, I'm here... I don't know, I'm in France, I'm here in Spain, are sometimes spread across the world. I'm here, man, and you're like, I don't know, having dinner and I'm watching your lives , or I'm listening to your podcast, or I'm watching your videos and I laugh, or I'm going through a bad time and your video and... Man, that's very gratifying. Of course, hey, we're not going to be here with things, the money is cool and I'm glad it exists, it's to pay the bills.

Miguel: Exactly, exactly.

Luís: But this is very rewarding.

Miguel: It’s what really fills the heart, above all else. If there wasn't the obligatory money to pay the bills, that was for the best.

Luís: I'm speaking for myself, obviously. Sometimes people don't really realize how happy they make me with these messages. Oops, because it's not really the bag palio, like, hey, that's cool, I'm a humble ox. It's really true, I realized. The same people, oops, sometimes send me a message and, I don’t know, they say, oops, “maybe you won’t even see it”. It's like, I'll be honest, sometimes I can't see everything, but when I see these messages, oops, I'm very happy.

Miguel: But obviously it can't just be good things. And me too... unfortunately I also have an episode that happened to me when I played football, when I transferred to Vitória, I already had an injury and then that injury lasted longer than I wanted, then the pandemic came. . There were salary cuts in the teams, I also suffered a bit from that and it was that episode in my life that impacted me the most. It left me psychologically, I was a bit shaken. Whether it was depression or not, I don't know because I never, ever wanted to go and see, I tried to overcome things with just myself.

But that's what I wanted to know too, if you had a moment when you thought, look, this isn't for me, I want to give up because after all it's not, this isn't it. Was there a moment that really left you feeling down?

Luís: Oops, that's how it is, in addition to more personal situations or situations that happened in my life. Maybe one happened in my career that didn't make me think, like, man, I don't want it, but it made me reflect, a little like that. It was just a whiff of... are they right or was it when he went on Got Talent and it wasn't even for... I always tell this story and I always say it and I always make this reservation that I don't want people to think that he was, he didn't pass , is now here with apologies. It wasn't really, I was really upset and sad, it was because at the time they edited it, man, with a much more negative charge, when it came out I was like, this wasn't what I went there to do.

This is the same as, I don't know, you just put one thing on this podcast and I said hello, and you went like this and just said hello, the guy is stupid. Well, that left me… it affected me and I was a bit, hell, I was a bit upset and even disillusioned with it all and I really felt like maybe throwing everything to shit, which is what it is. But I just wanted…

Miguel: Do you think this episode of Got Talent had any impact on you, on the decisions you make today or on the way you do comedy?

Luís: Yes, it had an impact on me being more thoughtful about the things I get into. Because it was still an experience and I always say this if it were today, I would still go because it was a learning experience, but I learned, man. I learned a little, I learned not to care so much about what people say because imagine, after that there was also a wave of people who already followed or even had those types of comments saying “this guy is not worth the hype”, Then he actually saw my performance and said “I didn't say, he's not really worth a bang, I was right, the guy isn't worth the same bang”. And they all went there to dip the soup and so on, so I stayed for a while, I really learned to take it for granted.

Because sometimes it's inevitable that you always give a little, I always say this, it depends on the day, how you are, but now I've learned a lot more to really not care so much about those types of comments, man, they're not those comments. It's not Luís15_33 who will dictate your career, it's much more than that man. They are people, there are many more people who will later be able to define you as a comedian, but of course, at the time you are sad and you are angry and you start reading all that. Then I also had this stupid habit of reading everything and sometimes even responding, man, it wasn't unpleasant for anyone, I always tried, sometimes, to be ironic but it was difficult, the guy was there.

Miguel: Yes, I understand perfectly. Because me, there I am, I also create… I also make videos on social media

Luís: Yes. I've watched some.

Miguel: And you've seen some of them, you follow me and I have people who with... who I think are 30, 40 years old who comment that...

Luis: They should have come to their senses by now.

Miguel: Exactly! They should have had some sense and say things like “I want you to go bankrupt” and be commenting that on a 20-year-old young man who is...

Luis: It’s starting…

Miguel: And he's trying to do his own thing, I think it's a bit unnecessary.

Luís: It's bad. You know that I always think and I'm increasingly sure that these are people who imagine, I don't know, I consider myself a happy person, like a family, I'm stable, I'm well. And I'm not going to bother, obviously because I'm in a good area, I'm in a cool area. People who are in a bad place, in a negative place, with problems, I think it's those people who really can't find happiness in life who then look for these types of things, you know? Because I really don't know if that's what fills them or if they think that's what will fill them. Because, man, it's not. But these are people who really have nothing on their minds. Why do you bother? You may not like it, I don't like a lot of people either, I can joke with the person because it's my job, ok, but I don't know, when I'm at home at work, I can send a message “you should go bankrupt”.

Miguel: It doesn't make much sense at all but I don't understand it either. In relation to your audition on Got Talent, if you went back, if you could go back in time, do you think you would change anything?

Luís: It's like that, I think if I could change, I don't think I could change anything, you know. In other words, basically my comedy, my type of humor, I think it's not exactly that more familiar humor, it's not that humor but I can now adapt it a bit to other styles.

But I think, I don't know, I think for that type of program, I don't think it would ever work. I think that even comedians who go there and good comedians, very good ones, who go there until the semi-finals, that's more of the same. Because that is always for the dance, it is for the person who sings, I, for example, see other formats than Portuguese, because Portuguese, man, is not really heartburn.

Miguel: Exactly! Clear.

Luís: I think it's a rather tired format actually. That's what I say, I look at other formats, you have a thousand and one different things and you even have comedians. And then you say oh, but the ones there are good and that's why they deserve the golden button. Maybe here you even have good comedians, but maybe they don't even let them do humor, for example, which maybe they do there, they have more freedom because here you're more conditioned. Because then you can't do that and then you have to bless yourself before entering, because it looks good and I don't know what and because they dress you in clothes that you're probably not even used to, but it's the clothes and you lose your essence a little there. . And these are the things that then make the format for me, that's my opinion. I'm not the program director, except for television, but I think they make the program lose a little.

Miguel: Exactly. I think we see it out there, maybe just compare the numbers they have in these programs and the numbers we have even though our population is smaller in comparison...

Luis: Yes, yes. But when it goes to YouTube or when it goes here in Portugal it could also have a lot of views and it would be really good.

Miguel: Well, that's it.

Luís: You have an example, I think it's a good example, you have Fernando Daniel , his first audition blew everything away for me. There are people in Australia reacting to Fernando Daniel's video.

Miguel: And he was later invited to sing with… now I don't remember the name, with an English singer singing a duet of one of her songs with her.

Luís: The boy crashed everything, man. Because it really was very good.

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: In that format, the guy was very good. Now here, I think they lose a bit because of this. They condition a lot of people and I think it's always rice, I'm not saying that they are weak, or that they are... no, but I see incredible people there in dance, in music, incredible people.

Miguel: But there could be more, maybe.

Luís: It's always that, you know.

Miguel: And the people…

Luís: That’s almost it.

Miguel: The participants maybe get a little tired and don’t even want to participate because they see that it’s more of the same…

Luís: That's right. I play the accordion, I'm actually very good, but maybe I'll even go there, I don't know, it might be something that won't happen.

Miguel: That's not very good, but then obviously there are also programs that are much better and that also serve to talk about things that are also a bit serious through humor, which is something that I also really like, like the Daily Show in the United States, like the It's Making Fun of Whoever Works Here in Portugal. What do you think of this type of comedy, bringing this type of comedy to these more serious subjects?

Luís: Oops, I love it. I love it first, because… because it is there, and my very personal opinion. You asked me a moment ago what I was even asked about at the time, I told you about GOT T, but of course I always had... and we have our lives as the people we are and the death of my grandmother, for example, also helped me to understand a a little and make sure that the humor really, you have your moments, you cry and mourn and everything is ok but the humor and I speak very specifically now more about my case, obviously.

Humor really helped me a lot, to overcome that because it's part of life we ​​have to accept it and we have to take it in my case, man, and I really believe in taking it with humor, making jokes, playing with topics.

Miguel: I completely agree with you because sometimes it seems that in those more serious moments or in those moments when it seems like it's sadder, it's in those moments that it seems like I have to make a joke about the situation because otherwise I'll collapse completely.

Luís: That's it, that's it, I think humor frees you. Firstly, I think it's a sign of intelligence that you managed to distance yourself from the most negative thing in this case and you managed to make a joke.

I really think that and I believe it a lot after this situation that happened to me, and before that my grandmother also had Alzheimer's. He was also already a sick person, even with Alzheimer's. Making jokes about Alzheimer's made things lighter, because it's a negative situation if you cry every day...

Miguel: The situation will be negative.

Luís: The situation will remain negative, at least you laughed a little, that's what I say, crying is good and cleanses the soul. Now it's also cool to have those funny moments of playing with illness, or playing with death. Play with whatever you want.

Miguel: Exactly, I totally agree with you. We have now also moved on from these more serious things a little to this humor linked to sport as well.

You are now the official presenter of Vitória Sport Club on their podcast, which is Dezanove22 . How did that invitation come about and how did you feel when that invitation came about? Because you are a staunch Victorian, I have seen you there many times on television, at the stadium and when I go to watch some games I also catch you there.

Luís: So it’s not always.

Miguel: And what did you feel?

Luís: No outbreak of habits or anything, I'm there very calmly, very calm, I don't even say bad words.

Miguel: How did you feel when you received that invitation?

Luís: Look, firstly, being very honest, I can't say it was an invitation.

Miguel: Okay.

Luis: Because I did, and I had been pursuing this for some time in other directions. Vitória has already gone through bad periods in which it didn't really have a point where it could be picked up and I even had some friends of mine working in Marketing at Vitória, who told me, man, “Luís, look, we'd love to do this, there's no money to do it, there is no money to happen, so look, stay here now in Águas de Bacalhau and look, keep trying”. It turns out that this direction was already more open, it is not open to dialogue, I think I was already more in favor of that idea. Why not actually do something here with Luís, hey there it is, it wasn't a direct invitation it was a kind of invitation, there it is, me too...

Miguel: Of course.

Luis: I'm pushing things a little here. Trying a little here to pull the heat on our side.

Miguel: Of course, it has to be.

Luís: And then it happened, I was super nervous, because first I found it there, which I sent and tried and only found it, they said yes but this will now be in Águas de Bacalhau again. They're not going to say anything, they actually started “No, this is serious now”, they started showing the scenario. Wait a minute, after all they are showing me the scene.

Miguel: This will happen.

Luís: This is already going to happen, even though they showed the scenario, man, it could be the scenario for another program.

Miguel: Oh, exactly.

Luís: Then at the time when it really started to happen and I recorded the first episode with Varela it was incredible and it has been incredible, meeting people who are idols for me and people I hang out with at the stadium and on television sometimes when I can't go see , it is not. But it's a huge honor because then I also represent a little bit of what the fan is and what the fan perhaps wanted to know about. I mean, I represent because I am, right!?

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: And sometimes I even forget that I'm not a fan, I forget the opposite that I'm a person who now has a bit of a weight on my structure.

Exactly, and it is there with an added responsibility and sometimes in the stadium, a person forgets and is already there...

Miguel: There already jumping and climbing walls.

Luís: Climbing the walls.

Miguel: But this is very good because there, I think that in the past there was a very personal connection between player and fan.

Luís: Yes, without a doubt.

Miguel: And I think that this connection needs to exist because everyone benefits from getting to know the person better. Because obviously if I get to know you better and have a personal connection with you, then if I'm at the stadium or if someone else is at the stadium, they won't say the things they say, maybe.

Luis: Yes, yes.

Miguel: Because he now identifies more with that person. Do you think that this personal connection between athlete and fans needs to continue to be worked on?

Luis: Yes

Miguel: Because it's something important.

Luís: Very important and we are on a good path, I always say this. But I feel like it's still missing, we still need as fans as a mass of people we need to understand that man, clubs, players, man, it's cool to have a joke every now and then, an exchange of pennants. People mix everything up, they start insulting people, they don't know how to separate themselves, football is something that leaves you...

I understand, because there it is, I'm also a fan and I'm at the stadium. A person gets excited, sometimes it's so cool if you're in Germany, sometimes you see clubs in England playing against each other, one club that lost 5-0 and puts its hand in and the other, like, will even remember a result and even …if it’s here. Like, everyone starts saying, “you took it too”, and they say, “calm down, they're playing amongst themselves, let them play. Even the players there are, like, if they have an opinion, they can't have an opinion. You can't, you're a player and you can't have an opinion. You have to be a robot that is there giving a...

Miguel: Kicking the ball.

Luís: And if he does, it is, because that player has a habit of talking about politics. Well, it is what it is, if he likes to talk about politics, hey, he even talks, like, man. No, I think there are worse things, there are players doing worse things.

Miguel: Much worse

Luís: But let's not talk about that either.

Miguel: Exactly

Luís: Much worse and going free. But let's not talk about that either.

Miguel: Let's not talk about that. It is better.

Luis: It's better not to talk about it. No, but, man, these are normal things, that people like to talk about, and it's a good thing they do, because it's a sign that they're not robots, and that they like to talk about these things.

Miguel: And even because they have a voice, or should have an active voice, because they are known by a lot of people...

Luis: Exactly

Miguel: and they can change mentalities, this also has to come from them, because there are many children and young people there…

Luís: They follow.

Miguel: Who accompany us and who…

Luís: And what do you see in him there. They are these people's idols. So, man, if my idol says it's Y, maybe it really is Y. So why not actually use the players, even for that kind of thing? To raise awareness of some causes, for example, and sometimes I feel sad, man, because people, I think they're already here, pay attention, that's what I say, these programs are a bit of a response to that, that things are really changing. evolve, but we still need to evolve a little more, I still think.

Miguel: Exactly, I think so too, but like I say, that's why I also admire you, a lot. You are bringing this more human part of the players out here, still few people do that, especially in Portugal. Outside, you can see a little more.

Luís: This has been done out there for some time.

Miguel: And they watch the podcasts and they all laugh and they can do something more fun.

Luis: That's it.

Miguel: Here you always have to go through a bit of communications directors and everything.

Luís: Yes, it’s more complicated.

Miguel: And it becomes a little more boring.

Luís: Maybe sometimes I even want, for example, to include other clubs and even do more dynamic things, but it's difficult. Because if it's not for the club, or even for the agent, or if it's not for the agent, it's for... you know? There's always someone there saying, well, but that...

Miguel: Yeah, that's it.

Luís: It's this blockage there.

Miguel: I think... there it is. And we also created this podcast a little with the aim of bringing not only people from Guimarães. As we are not linked to any structure, we can bring people from wherever we want.

Luís: Yes, yes, yes, it's good.

Miguel: And there it is, and we want to show this a little, that football is not just about clubism, that I'm from Benfica... Someone else is from Sporting, another person is from Porto, we can live together, we can all live with each other. others and we don't need to be here beating each other up.

Luís: Yes, you can talk. I think people, or some people have difficulty understanding, is that, no matter how much I argue, man, you're not going to stop being part of your club.

Imagine someone saying, man, but you're out of the game. And man, you're right. Look, Vitória is worthless. And look, really, look, I'm even going to stop being a member. Of course that won't happen, man.

Miguel: That's it.

Luis: I think the arguments are cool, and it's cool to discuss whether it's offside, if it's not, man, that's part of football, it's beautiful. Now, when you start insulting someone, man, because they're from another club, or because they have one... or because you think that Cristiano Ronaldo should have scored that goal, that Cristiano Ronaldo is supposed to play striker or defense left. Man, I don't know, the person's opinion, man, it is what it is. Now you're stupid, man, calm down, calm down.

Miguel: Exactly. I respect your opinion, man, I don't agree, man, friends anyway and let's watch a game and drink a beer together and that'll be over.

Luís: That's it, exactly.

Miguel: Do you have any funny moments at the stadium or something in football that... any funny stories that happened that you can tell there?

Luís: I can, I can, because I already told you. I have others, but it's better to tell this one, because this one is soft and it's not, it's not as soft as that. Man, it was some time ago, but... it already had some visibility and such. And man, I got a little excited and I was there at the stadium, I got a little excited, I was going home and so on, everything was really beautiful. I get home and I gave a kid a message, I think it was on Facebook at the time, and the kid said to me, look, I saw you at the stadium. I was serious. So, you were spitting on the League inspector. And I, this... And I, what a shame. What a shame, what a shame.

Miguel: Well, this now...

Luís: I wanted to say, oh it wasn't me. Exactly. Imagine, you couldn't see it, I don't know what. Oops, I was really embarrassed.

Miguel: Exactly, I understand. Sometimes…

Luís: No, you can't let it take so many minutes.

Miguel: Exactly, exactly, exactly. It's complicated, you're there boiling, but...

Luis: It's complicated.

Miguel: It's complicated.

Luis: This line has to be, oops, one insults the other, like, it's the most basic, a son of this, a son of that. Well, even fix an exhaust, that's it, it's there.

Miguel: And it's another thing that was funny, for example, and you're very connected to football, man, and I see, I go to the stadium and play football, and I'm insulted. And I see people insulting, man, and I think that insults are always the same thing.

Luís: Always.

Miguel: Why don't you come now, create a workshop, or...

Luís: About insults.

Miguel: About insults, and you start teaching people to insult this in a funnier way, because this...

Luís: By chance.

Miguel: It's always the same thing.

Luis: I can even tell you this, man, I also have a friend of mine who is usually in the same place as me watching football. This guy I told you about... It's Paulo, the one I told you about on the list, who invited me...

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: Man, and today we have this thing, oops, of going to the bar to insult us. Man, and there was a game there against Benfica, oh, he's not playing anymore either, I can say that now, and even because he laughed. This is really true, he laughed, man, because they were insults, man, that maybe he wasn't expecting.

He was chubby, like Eliseu , at the time. We started sending those insults, like “the fat guy is in the goal”, and “you have your backpack in front”. Oops, the fact is that he was laughing, because maybe there he is, as he is used to, either a son of this, or a son of that, a different scene started to appear.

Oops, but there are some, and now I don't even remember, but on that bench, especially where I am, man, sometimes there are insults, especially from older people. I ask, oops, this man should give a course on insults, oops, he distanced himself from his son then, from his son... No, no, it was insults, oops... Very original.

Miguel: Very original. There are some that are really original, and I'm like, how did this guy remember this? It's true, it's true.

Luís: It's funny.

Miguel: And it is, but yeah, that's the part, it's also funny, we all laugh a little about this, because there are a lot of people who come by during the week, spend the whole week waiting for the game to...

Luis: Yes, I understand, yes, yes, yes.

Miguel: Because he really lives the sport.

Luis: And live that intensely, oops, and... oops, it is what it is, like, I don't want to be misunderstood, but imagine, that is the highlight of...

Miguel: From someone's week.

Luis: From someone's week, you understand?

Miguel: Exactly.

Luis: I'm talking, but... I'm sorry, I'm talking, but imagine, I don't know, and the game comes, victory is won, man, the week ends, the week is going much better.

Miguel: Exactly.

Luís: Lose, wow. It's already been a week, the pressure is there Monday, Tuesday, no, I don't know.

Miguel: It already costs, it already costs a lot.

Luís: It already costs more to pass. But ready.

Miguel: But, there you go, it wasn't without humor, it wasn't either, it wasn't that funny and you think your life without humor, obviously...

Luís: No, it's not funny at all. There it is, I like it, I like it, because the people I surround myself with, I mean, my family, I didn't choose, right? But... My girlfriend... It wasn't really a choice, it was almost an obligation. I'm not kidding.

Miguel: An obligation, don't say that, no.

Luis: Am I kidding, am I kidding? No, man, all the people who are next to me are also very good-natured people, because I insist on being like that, because it doesn't make sense any other way, man.

I don't like it and I don't identify with it, I respect it, but I don't like that person, man. It's raining, man, and... Oh shit, man. There's always someone worse off than us, I don't know, you have a house, you're cool, you're healthy, everything is going well.

Miguel: You have a house, you have a family,

Luís: Everything is going well.

Miguel: You have to eat.

Luis: That's it, man, of course... I'm talking, but there are days when a person feels really sad and feels like man. But we always have to think, relativize and say, man, there is always someone worse than...

Miguel: Exactly, because obviously there are always people worse than us.

Luis: Always.

Miguel: But obviously we also have our ambitions

Luis: Of course and it's normal.

Miguel: And sometimes we get sad, sometimes because we can't do it.

Luis: It's perfectly normal.

Miguel: But I also live a little like you, which is… There are a lot of people, there are a lot of really bad people. And we are lucky, we have a house, we have shelter, we have a family that loves us, we have food. I think this is the most important thing.

Luis: Yes, yes.

Miguel: The rest, if it comes in addition, is our work.

Luis: Exactly.

Miguel: It's our job, without a doubt. Would you say that you... There you go, you told a story about your grandmother and when she had Alzheimer's and you made some jokes about it. Can you laugh at yourself, there you go, when these people, these negative comments fall on you, can you laugh with some? Can you laugh at yourself?

Luis: Imagine, it's strange to say this and... Just imagine, I notice, I notice a little, and I don't know if it's a talent I have. Which isn't any talent, but I notice it a little and imagine, for example, I don't know, when that happened to my grandmother, I made jokes, some people made jokes and I laughed, man. But sometimes I felt like some people weren't really funny anymore, you know? It was there a bit disguised, instead of wanting to step in, you know? Man, I seem to have noticed that. I'm totally calm, man. And everything that is in relation to me of jokes and... Comments, is already different. Comments, oh, imagine that they are making comments about me. Brother, what is it? Look, I know I'm here, I'm making the videos.

Man, when they start trying to insult the family, or try to go somewhere else, then I have little filter. There should be more filters, but I already have little filters, because, hey, it's something that really affects me, you know? It's the family, or it's my girlfriend, or my friends, oh, there they are, they're very close people, then I get more tense because, man, they're not the ones there, you know? They weren't the ones who made the joke, they weren't the ones who... There's no need to go there, man. And sometimes there are people who go there and, man, and the guy stays longer, moves a little more. Now, in relation to me, oops, what is this?

Miguel: Exactly, you can do it…

Luis: We have to be waiting, we have to be waiting because…

Miguel: Exactly, because a person... We too... Sometimes people complain that they are... That there are comments they don't like on the internet, right? The truth is one, we also expose our lives there, we are subject to someone commenting, we may not agree.

Luis: Yes, yes.

Miguel: Obviously, this, us exposing our work, does not give another person the right to comment on things that don't make any sense. If you come with constructive criticism, look, you could improve on this, so we would appreciate it because…

Luis: I put a photo of him and he comments, “you’re ugly, bro”. Ya, that's fine, but...

Miguel: Nobody asked you anything. Why am I...

Luís: My mother says I'm beautiful, what's wrong? That's right.

Miguel: My girlfriend, man, I have a girlfriend.

Luis: That's it, I have a girlfriend, let's break up.

Miguel: My mother says I'm fine.

Luis: Exactly.

Miguel: Why are you saying ugly things?

Luís: Sometimes that's more what I think about, like, oh, why? Why did you comment on this, no one asked your opinion, I don't know. There are comments that I notice, look, you talked about the podcast, I pay attention and I like to see comments, like, well, you talked a lot here, or you could even have this and you could have that, man, perfect. That's it, let's take these comments and let's grow. Now, “you’re stupid”, oh yes, but why then? Explain to me why I'm stupid.

Miguel: At least explain why I'm stupid.

Luis: Imagine what they say, you're stupid because you failed this math math. I accept it, I'm bad at math, it's cool, you're right.

Miguel: Just now.

Luis: Now, you're stupid, man, you have to give me more, you have to give me, man, you have to give me more.

Miguel: Otherwise...

Luís: You can't grow.

Miguel: Exactly.

Luis: You can make fun of this comment, not growing up now.

Miguel: And you, I can already see that this mental part is in you, it is well worked on.

Luis: I talk, I talk with my mouth full, so to speak, because, man, I have a good structure. When you don't have structure it's complicated. You don't have structure, like, you're alone with some problems, you don't have...

Imagine someone telling me, are you stupid? I even talk, I'm next to my girlfriend and I look at her and say, man, I'm stupid, you can't care about that. Man, you're not stupid at all, you're even this and that. No, maybe my girlfriend will say, you're stupid, sir.

Miguel: You're stupid, yes sir.

Luís: No, I'm joking. No, you understand? When there is a structure, parents, man, when there are friends… Now, when there is no structure it is more complicated. Oops, but I think the secret is, man, really trying not to care, because it's difficult. And at first it won't happen to you, at first you'll read everything and you'll care and then, there you go, you start to grow a little more and even start to reach other levels and even start to care. Sometimes there are days, man, when you're more sensitive, you even care, oh, you're stupid. Man, am I not stupid?

Miguel: Exactly.

Luis: Man, but then you start to distance yourself more and more and you start to reach a level where really, man, look, I'm not stupid at all, this guy is stupid for being here wasting his time.

Miguel: It's a waste of his time.

Luis: But, I think the biggest advice is, oh man, try, which is what I say, I really think that at first it's almost impossible, but try not to pay attention to these types of comments. Only pay attention to those who say, look, no, I don't think you're stupid, I think you should do this and that. And you, look, man, that's it, that's cool, that's my comment, I'm even going to grow here with this comment.

Miguel: Exactly. And it was something that I even, when I was starting to do a little, I, there you go, I, fortunately like you, also had a lot of support from family and friends. And, man, I always took screenshots of the comments and sent them to my friends' WhatsApp group and we started laughing about it.

Luis: That's the best. It's making fun of the comment.

Miguel: That's it.

Luis: Because, as a rule, they never know how to write. It's a scene that, I don't know where they're going to take the course, but it's, man, look, the hater course is, you can't call me a hater.

Miguel: You can't.

Luis: You have to give him the... Man, just the day before yesterday on Twitter, there was a guy on Twitter, a guy who called me big-headed . Instead of calling me big-headed, like, he called me big-headed . There are mistakes, oops, that I can even give away more or less for cheap. Man, now if you want to insult me, at least insult me ​​properly.

Miguel: Exactly.

Luis: You can't call me big-headed , man.

Miguel: Because later, if you want to catch him, man, if I want to catch you, it's easy.

Luís: It's easy.

Miguel: You don't even know how to write.

Luis: That's it. Bro, like, go to school.

Miguel: Go to school, exactly. Now, man, complete this sentence for me. Football or comedy?

Luis: Wow, comedy.

Miguel: Comedy. Exactly.

Luis: Man, it's my life.

Miguel: It's your professional life, exactly.

Luis: I have to say comedy. I have to say comedy. I have to say comedy. I have to say comedy.

Miguel: But if you didn't, imagine if you didn't now depend on comedy to be your professional life. Would you rather never watch a winning football game again or never perform on stage again?

Luis: Man, it's tense because imagine, I think that knowing myself, even though I don't depend on the performances, imagine that, man, I really have money, man, I don't care about the performances. But there's one thing that I like so much, for example, man, and the scene is that I also like watching winning games, obviously. Man, but it was very difficult, it was very difficult. I don't think I even know if I could choose because, oh, it's things...

Miguel: These are really difficult things.

Luís: These are really difficult things to choose. The thing is, comedy, oops, is my livelihood at the moment. Exactly. And the victory, therefore, ends up now also being the breadwinner.

Miguel: Now also a little bit.

Luís: But watching the games isn't yet, man, they still don't pay me to watch the games.

Miguel: That was too much.

Luís: When you get there... No, I actually don't think I'd like it, man. It's one thing, I think it would get a little lost later...

Miguel: Ah, exactly.

Luís: Hey, I don't know, being present in a stadium, like, I think it's a bit of a loss.

Miguel: It's already a bit of losing love and passion.

Luís: I think that’s enough, football is becoming more and more…

Miguel: A spectacle.

Luís: It’s inevitable, okay? Like, the scene with the money, the agents, this and here, man, it's inevitable. But there are super leagues in Japan, but…

Miguel: Do you think that… there it is, and I think that a bit of passion is lost… And I think that football in its purest state has passed…

Luís: Yes, unfortunately.

Miguel: Back in the 70s, 80s, 90s…

Luís: A guy with a bass drum, another guy drinking a beer, one with an umbrella, another smoking his cigarette, his cigar, man, what is it? Like, they're there, they're… Man, I don't know, those things, flags, everything there, everything happy, man, I think this pure state of football is what it is, my opinion. Of course there are people who... No, no, football is beautiful like that, man, everything sitting there and everything there...

Miguel: But I think people also have the same opinion and, man, most people agree with us a lot.

Luis: Yes.

Miguel: I think… There it is. I think the pure state of football is now difficult to find in the top divisions, but more district football…

Luis: That's it.

Miguel: You find that one…

Luis: That's what's beautiful.

Miguel: That's it, that's what's beautiful. You find that love...

Luís: With that big belly…

Miguel: With that pot-bellied guy going to get a steak and a beer during the break...

Luis: Exactly, exactly.

Miguel: And insult Bandeirinha in…

Luis: He was all red, insulting Bandeirinha because of him he had a heart attack there...

Miguel: On the wall, exactly. And you… There it is. And you see these people who pay, pay to... and see a club that is not in the first division...

Luís: Playing on land, my fire.

Miguel: Playing on land and they are there supporting the club and that's it. And I think this is football in its purest state.

Luís: That's football. I think it is lost, and that has been lost a bit. Unfortunately, I think, oops, it won't be long, it's there. Everyone knows their own, oops, and of course there are people who like to watch football sitting down, sometimes there it is. It's raining a lot, I actually like going there, man...

Miguel: For the car seat.

Luís: For the car seat and such, I'm actually comfortable. Man, I don't know, I think it's so beautiful, but you there jumping, you there in the rain, everything there... Suddenly you're already there, like, washing yourself with beer all over you, I don't know, I don't know what What do you think, man? It's emotion, isn't it?

Miguel: It's emotion, it's emotion in its purest state, exactly. Ah, Luís, man, thank you very much for this incredible moment.

Luís: Thank you.

Miguel: I sincerely thank you for accepting this invitation.

Luis: Thank you very much for the invitation. It was a pleasure.

Miguel: The pleasure was all mine. Thank you very much. And as for you, get ready for the next episode of Inspired by Legends. We guarantee it will be as exciting as this one.

Big hug. Thanks.

Making people laugh is an art, and it doesn’t always please everyone. We learn from Luís Vieira that life is more fun when we laugh. Humor is a powerful tool and often an escape. When we´re feeling down, it helps us deal with grief and turn tense moments into laughter. In this episode, we learn to laugh at ourselves and discover a more vulnerable side of both Miguel Soares and Luís Vieira.

Let yourself be inspired and entertained by the stories of Luís Vieira, where we find out that humor can help us achieve personal and social transformation. Subscribe to our podcast “Inspired by Legends” so you don’t miss any episodes.

Remember, life is easier when it's lived with a smile.

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